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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

After washing your hair, do you need to use “conditioner” as well?

Anyone who washes their hair should probably also use conditioner. While your head produces its own natural conditioner called sebum, shampoo removes it. Especially dry hair should be regularly treated with conditioner, as should hair that’s frequently styled with hot tools, permed, or colored Want

Martinez believes Villa can compete for the Premier League

Martinez believes Villa can compete for the Premier League title after defeating both Manchester City and Arsenal. Aston Villa produced a great performance by defeating Manchester City and Arsenal two weeks in a row in the Premier League, taking them up to third place in

why you should change your diet “Rice Berry”

12 reasons why you should change your diet “Rice Berry“ Riceberry rice trend is coming strong. And we are willing to keep this trend together with Thai people for a long time. Because good things and great things are already in the hands of Thai people. I don’t want

5 dangerous diseases that come with “rain”

5 dangerous diseases that come with “rain“ During heavy rain every day like this Be careful of these rain-borne diseases as well. Dr. Wasin Laohawinit, MD, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, identified diseases that are often found in the rainy

Factors that trigger symptoms “Chronic urticaria” if not treated quickly

Factors that trigger symptoms “Chronic urticaria” if not treated quickly may more dangerous than you think. The occurrence of urticaria , although not life threatening. But greatly affects daily life, uncomfortable, annoyed, especially chronic urticaria that can constantly cause annoyance from itching Until it interferes with quality of life